WIZO, Turbobier, Watch Me Rise and Krang at Mighty Sounds 2025


Please welcome a band called Wizo for the first time on Mighty Sounds! Since the band doesn’t tour much and is downright choosy about venues, we’re very pleased to be the festival that Wizo has managed to land. Wizo was formed in 1985 in Sindelfingen, Germany. The band plays snappy melodic punk rock with German lyrics full of politics and humor with clear stances against racism and fascism. In 2005-2009 the band did not play, but now they are in shape and will present their latest album from 2023 in Tabor.



If you like punk rock with an attitude that can not only make fun of you, but also of themselves, then this band is the obvious choice for you. Lots of fun, funny lyrics and hectolitres of beer, that’s Turbobier in a nutshell. They started playing in 2014 and since then they have performed at Mighty Sounds twice. So this will be their third show and we’re really looking forward to it.

Watch Me Rise

Post hardcore band from Frankfurt Watch me Rise will perform at the Mighty Sounds festival after two years. The emo crew made their mark on the music world in 2018 when they released their first EP, Of Anxious Minds And Sleepless Nights, which contained five songs. A pretty decent array of singles followed and in 2023, another five-song EP titled Bedtime Stories. Watch Me Rise play very touching emo hardcore full of personal themes.



One of the most distinctive genre formations in the Czech Republic returns to Mighty Sounds after four years. Krang is firing on all cylinders, the guys are working their asses off, and their melo punk never disappoints. This skate punk band from Moravia has been rocking since 2015 and has three full albums to their credit, the latest of which was released in 2024 and is called Listens to Krang once. Krang have toured Europe, the US, Mexico, Japan and Israel.